Chair: Robin Snead
Secretary: Rotating
The Academic Affairs Committee is one of four major standing committees of the Faculty Senate. The Committee considers the following matters: all matters relating to curriculum; policies and standards relating to the admission and retention of students; and recommendations concerning learning resource materials and services. The committee is composed of twelve voting members, including seven Senators, the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, and the four chairs of Subcommittees for the Academic Affairs Committee. The Committee has four subcommittees: Curriculum, Enrollment Management, Academic Support Services, and General Education.
Committee Members
- Robin Snead (Senator, Chair, Academic Affairs Committee)
- Shannon Cousineau (Senator)
- Jonathan Drahos (Senator)
- Amy Gross (Senator)
- Abdulla Norman (Senator)
- Leszek Piatkiewicz (Senator)
- Vacant, TBD (Senator)
- Diane Prusank (ex Officio, Provost)
- Vacant, TBD (Chair, Enrollment Management Subcommittee)
- Tracy Vargas (Chair, General Education Subcommittee)
- Vacant, TBD (Chair, Subcommittee on Academic Support Services)
- Mark Tollefson (Chair, Subcommittee on Curriculum)
The Committee meets on the third Wednesday of each month during the regular academic year and it does not meet during the summer.
Link to Curriculum Forms (from Office of Academic Affairs website)
Select here to access the 2024-2025 monthly meeting Agenda and Minutes