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You Belong Here!

Campus Summer Hours 

June 14th through August 2nd

Monday-Thursday: 8 am to 5 pm

Friday: 8 am to 3 pm

Extended Office Hours on Tuesdays

8 am to 7 pm

At UNC Pembroke, you will find small classes and professors who know you by name, world-class faculty and classroom experiences, a vibrant campus life, and a community rich in heritage and culture. If you want a high-quality, affordable education at a place that feels like home, UNC Pembroke will be the right fit for you.

Keeping Our Campus Community Safe

The University of North Carolina at Pembroke is committed to assisting all members of the campus community in providing for their own safety and security. The Annual Security and Fire Safety Report can be found here.

The report contains information regarding campus security and personal safety including topics such as: crime prevention, fire safety, university law enforcement authority, crime reporting policies, policies related to and programs to prevent sexual violence and other crimes, disciplinary procedures and other matters of importance related to campus safety and security.  The report also contains information about crime statistics for the previous three calendar years concerning reported crimes that occurred on the university's Clery geography, which is: 1) on campus property; 2) residence halls; 3) in/on off-campus property owned or controlled by UNC Pembroke; and 4) public property within, or immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campus (public roads).

If you would like to receive a hard copy of the Annual Security and Fire Report, you can stop by the Office of Title IX and Clery Compliance (Room 334, The School of Education Building) or you can request that a copy be mailed to you by calling 910.521.6281 or emailing titleixcoordinator@uncp.edu.

Ronette Sutton Gerber, M.P.A., J.D.

Director of Title IX and Clery Compliance

Title IX Coordinator

Clery Compliance Officer

Dr. Joseph B. Oxendine Administrative Building

The Compliance Suite 104

Office: 910.521.6398

Cell: 910.674.0080




UNCP Police and Public Safety

Auxiliary Services Building

Office: 910.521.6235
