Travel Abroad IT Restrictions and Accommodations

Students, faculty, and staff who plan to travel abroad should be familiar with the following access restrictions for UNCP IT resources.  To avoid any unnecessary inconvenience with IT access while traveling, contact the Division of Information Technology Help Desk at least 2 weeks prior to traveling so accommodations can be provisioned.  View all travel abroad requirements at the bottom of the page. We understand that emergency travel occurs, and we are more than happy to assist with these urgent requests.

Automatic Restrictions apply for China (including Hong Kong and Macau), Russia, Iran, North Korea, Cuba, and Venezuela .


Canvas, Office 365, Microsoft Teams, Webex, Zoom Access


  • By default, any login attempts in China (including Hong Kong and Macau), Russia, Iran, North Korea, Cuba, and Venezuela are denied when originating outside of the United States and outlying areas.  This defensive posture reduces the risk of accounts being compromised.


  • If DoIT is notified, the user is whitelisted so they will be allowed to login from outside of the US.


VPN Access


  • By default, UNCP VPN logins are blocked when originating from China (including Hong Kong and Macau), Russia, Iran, North Korea, Cuba, and Venezuela . VPN logins are allowed from all other countries.


  • None - VPN logins are not allowed from these locations under any circumstances.


Banner Access


  • By default, Banner admin access is only available from UNCP IP addresses. A person must either be on campus or use Frame to access Banner admin. 


  • None


BraveWeb Access


  • Any login attempts are denied when originating outside of the United States and outlying areas.  This defensive posture reduces the risk of accounts being compromised.  Some information accessed through BraveWeb may be linked to Banner and would not be available without a VPN connection. 
  • NOTE:  Travelers to China have reported that access to BraveWeb is sometimes blocked while they are in China.  


  • If DoIT is notified, the user is whitelisted so they will be allowed to login from outside of the US.


Google G Suite


  • Any login attempts are denied when originating outside of the United States and outlying areas.  This defensive posture reduces the risk of accounts being compromised.
  • NOTE: Travelers to China have reported that access to UNCP’s G Suite is not available.  


  • If DoIT is notified, the user is whitelisted so they will be allowed to login from outside of the US.  


Countries of Concern

Our Policy to minimize risk is to disable the business account for the duration of time the person is in the country.

  • Network account authentication is not permitted
  • Network account will be disabled during travel.
  • Network access is not permitted to internal servers including

Executive Order 14117, issued by President Joseph R. Biden Jr. on February 28, 2024, aims to prevent access to Americans’ bulk sensitive personal data and United States government-related data by countries of concern. These countries include: China (including Hong Kong and Macau), Russia, Iran, North Korea, Cuba, and Venezuela.



  • Employees must notify DoIT of the dates of travel.
  • No access will be permitted to institutional systems or data including:
    • External systems such as Microsoft 365 – Email, One Drive, Canvas, etc
    • Internal systems such as Braveweb, VPN, etc
    • Employees should plan with these conditions in mind


  • Submit a Laptop Loan Request using the DoIT ticket system:
    2. Service Catalog
    3. Endpoint Computing
    4. Laptop Loan Request
  • DoIT will provide a loaner laptop
    • Loaner laptop has malware security tools but no VPN or encryption installed (VPN and encryption are against Chinese laws and will subject the carrier to risk if the system is examined by PRC officials).
    • The loaner laptop will have a local computer account that does not require use of the employee network account
  • No protected/sensitive data should be stored on the loaner laptop or other portable storage device.
  • The employee network account will not be accessible for the duration of the trip to ensure no access is available to sensitive data or enterprise systems.
  • Email: Recommend creating a Yahoo personal email account several days before travelling and setting an out of office message on regular email account letting people know to use this account if communication is absolutely necessary. Message should include warning to not send any sensitive or business data via email.
  • Use a burner phone for the trip and dispose of the phone upon arrival at U.S. airport.
  • Upon return to UNCP, the loaner laptop will be completely reformatted and will remain designated for future travel to any Country of Concern. The laptop will not be allowed to connect to the UNCP internal network.


Travel Abroad Requirements 

  • Two weeks prior to travel, complete the Temporary International Travel Request. Include your cell phone number, dates of travel, and the location to which you will be traveling. Once alerted, DoIT can remove the login restriction for your account.
  • Faculty/Staff should request a loaner laptop to use so that no data is stored on it. This is subject to availability.
  • Take only the IT equipment you need.
  • Assume your network traffic will be intercepted.
  • Use Frame to access Banner admin and other network resources.  
    • UNCP blocks VPN access from Syria, Russia, Ukraine, China, Iran, and North Korea.
    • NOTE:  The use of VPN clients from within China is illegal under Chinese law.
Temporary International Travel Request