UNC Pembroke University Awards for Excellence

Program Overview
The University of North Carolina Pembroke Awards for Excellence is the most prestigious honor bestowed upon non-faculty employees.

The UNC Pembroke University Awards for Excellence nomination process commences each year in March. The Awards for Excellence program recognizes the accomplishments and achievements of permanent, full-time UNC Pembroke SHRA and EHRA-NF employees who do not hold faculty rank.

This is an excellent opportunity to recognize employees who make a significant contribution to their department, division, the University community, or the lives of others. UNC Pembroke employees University Awards for Excellence Selection Committee consists of the following positions: Chair of Staff Senate, Special Assistant to the Chancellor, Executive Assistant for Student Affairs, Director of Alumni Affairs, and Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, and a staff member appointed by Staff Senate. Please note that nominations may be submitted by anyone, even if the employee does not work in the same division/department. All nominations that fit the criteria are welcome!

Once nominations have been submitted, the University Awards for Excellence Selection Committee will review all the university’s nominees and select the winner(s). The selection committee can select no more than six (6) winners. The SHRA and EHRA-NF employees who are selected as winners will receive a $250.00 check.

Human Resources will submit all University-level winners to the NC Office of State Human Resources for consideration in the Governor's Awards for Excellence program. The Governor's Awards for Excellence Program is designed to acknowledge and express appreciation for outstanding accomplishments that do not fall entirely within the scope of normal duties, but are in the nature of a major contribution reflecting credit on the person and State service. The meritorious service or accomplishment is so singularly outstanding that special recognition is justified.

Active SHRA employees, working at least 30 hours each week (0.75 FTE), are eligible to be nominated for the UNC Pembroke Awards for Excellence. Active EHRA-NF employees, excluding Tier I administrators, working at least 30 hours each week (0.75 FTE), are also eligible to be nominated for the UNC Pembroke Awards for Excellence. 

All Awards for Excellence nominations require the approval of the nominee’s manager.  Nominees will be disqualified in the event of any active or pending disciplinary actions or in the event of documented disciplinary actions within the preceding 18 months.

Award Categories
The UNC Pembroke Awards for Excellence recognize the meritorious accomplishments and contributions of individual employees.

Eligible employees may be nominated in only one of the following award categories:

Customer Service – Provided exceptional service that left the customers/students at UNC Pembroke fully satisfied with their experience.

Efficiency & Innovation — Has improved the efficiency of state government services or the workplace at UNC Pembroke.

Human Relations — Made outstanding contributions toward enhancing the quality and morale of the workplace or creating a better public image of our university and state government. 

Outstanding State Government Service — Exhibited unselfish devotion to duty far and above the normal requirements and contributed significantly to the advancement of state service to the citizens of North Carolina. 

Public Service — Made outstanding contributions by participating in or implementing community and public service projects (such as volunteering with various non-profit organizations).

Safety and Heroism — Demonstrated outstanding judgment or courage in an emergency, voluntarily risking his/her life, or exhibited meritorious action to prevent injury, loss of life or prevented damage to or loss of property.

Spirit of North Carolina - Exemplified the state motto “To be, rather than to seem.” Mentored others in the pursuit of excellence. Served as an ambassador for the State of North Carolina. This special award is reserved for exceptional circumstances and for accomplishments and achievements of the highest caliber.