We offer ...
up to 18 hours in graduate History content coursework
advanced pedagogical expertise in curriculum development
research and professional development opportunities

Master of Arts in Social Studies Education
Our program is a 30-hour degree program designed to provide advanced study in social studies pedagogy and content. We offer a culturally diverse campus, small class sizes, professional development and travel opportunities. We offer virtual attendance options and provide multi-modal course offerings of online, hybrid, and face-to-face options. We offer opportunities to collaborate with colleagues, engage in action research, attend professional conferences, develop original curriculum, and create authentic skills-based assessments.
History Concentration
With a history concentration, successful students may earn up to 18 hours in history content course work and strengthen their pedagogy. All of our history content courses are seminar-based, taught by UNCP faculty who hold PhDs in their area of expertise, and are designed to be both rigorous, engaging, and student-centered. Completion of this concentration with one additional course meets eligibility requirements for teaching post-secondary general education history courses (eg. community college teaching positions, dual credit courses).
Program Requirements, History Concentration
- Education Core (9 Sem. Hrs.)
- Pedagogical Knowledge (6 Sem. Hrs.)
- History Content Core (12 Sem. Hrs.)*
- Research Project (3 Sem. Hrs.)
Total: 30 Sem. Hrs.
*Students may elect to complete an additional 3 semesters hours of history content for a 33-hour program to attain the 18-hour minimum for post-secondary teaching eligibility.
Social Sciences Concentration
With a social sciences concentration, successful students will take courses in a variety of disciplines across the social sciences and strengthen their pedagogy. All of our social science content courses are taught by UNCP faculty who hold PhDs in their area of expertise. This concentration is intended for students who are interested in an interdisciplinary focus in their coursework.
Program Requirements, Social Sciences Concentration
- Education Core (9 Sem. Hrs.)
- Pedagogical Knowledge (6 Sem. Hrs.)
- Content Core (12 Sem. Hrs.)
- Research Project (3 Sem. Hrs.)

For more information, contact the Program Director, Dr. Serina Cinnamon, today.