As a State-supported institution, The University of North carolina at Pembroke must follow the regulations and purchasing policies set forth by the state of North Carolina. The Division of Purchase and Contract, a part of North Carolina's Department of Administration, has the responsibility for administering the State's program for the acquisition of property and services where public or grant funds are involved. The University has been delegated purchasing authority. The Purchasing Office has the responsibility for administering the purchasing program on behalf of the University while adhering to the policies set forth by the North Carolina Department of Administration, Division of Purchase and Contract at
Purchasing Thresholds
*A Purchase Order (PO) must be sent to the vendor before orders are placed/received or services are rendered.
Dollar Value1 | Rule | Method |
$.01-$29,000 Small Dollar Purchases |
State Term Contracts if applicable, if the item is not on State contract, choose one of the following: •University contracts available in BraveCart •Historically Underutilized Businesses (HUB) •Any non-barred vendor |
Even though competition is not required, all purchases must be made via a requisition in BraveCart. The UNC P-Card is also an approved purchasing method for authorized expenditures up to the cardholder’s single transaction limit of $5,000. |
$29,000.01-$250,000 Informal Bids |
State Term Contracts if applicable; if the item is not on State contract an informal bid process will be required. | A requisition must be entered into BraveCart. |
>$250,000.01- Formal Bids |
State Term Contracts if applicable are mandatory; if the item is not on State contract a formal bid process will be required. | A requisition must be entered into BraveCart. |
Over $500,000 P & C Bids |
State Term Contracts as these are typically mandatory, if the item is not on State contract a formal bid process by State Purchase & Contract will be required | A requisition must be entered into BraveCart. |
1Dollar Value includes shipping, freight, and any other applicable fees.
Departments shall not divide orders in attempt to keep them under the $25,000 small purchase threshold, and thereby avoid the rules requiring the applicable method for competition.
Purchasing Q&A
Do I have to purchase from State Term Contracts?
The State has entered into contracts for goods and services with various vendors at competitive prices. Some State contracts are mandatory, and some are provided as a convenience. The University is required to purchase items provided by mandatory State Term contracts when applicable.
Can I sign a university contract, agreement, license, lease or memorandum of understanding?
What is the Technology Purchase Process?
All technology requests must be sent to prior to beginning the purchase requisition in BraveCart. DoIT will review and recommend a solution/vendor that is compatible with UNCP's existing IT architecture and navigate security requirements. For all IT related requisitions, i.e. software, hardware, upgrades, etc received must be approved by DoIT before completing the Purchasing approval workflow.
How do I find HUB vendors registered with the State of NC?
What is a NC Debarred Vendor?
Debarred (Non-Allowable) vendors that have been excluded from doing business with the State.
The Purchasing Office is responsible for reviewing and approving a Contractual Services Agreement legally binding the University for Personal Services with Independent Contractors. The Personal Services Contract and Independent form should only be utilized for non-UNCP employees or students.
Examples of Personal Services
- Performances
- Speeches
- Research
Banner ID:
If the independent contractor does not have a Banner ID #, the requesting department will need to send a vendor invitation via BraveCart/Submit Vendor Request to the individual. Please contact Purchasing at extension 4657 with any questions or if assistance is needed.