UNCP Jazz Combo I presented three original student compositions at the 17th Annual Pembroke Undergraduate Research and Creativity Symposium (PURC) on Wednesday, April 12 at the Mary Livermore Library Reading Room. Student compositions were:
“Chaotic Evil” by Silas Seigler (drums)
“That Look in Your Eyes” by Jackson Mills (keyboard)
“Sendejas” by Wyatt Radford (alto saxophone)
Congratulations on your compositions and on being accepted to present at the PURC conference!
The following UNC Pembroke music students participated in the 1st North Carolina Chapter of the American Choral Directors Association (NC-ACDA) Intercollegiate Festival Chorus held at Duke Chapel under the direction of Dr. Felicia Barber, Yale University. This inaugural choir featured 130 singers from all colleges and universities across North Carolina.

One of our very own Music Education students, Ms. Samantha Hardison, was recently awarded the 2019 Hattie M. Strong Scholarship. This competitive award, given by the School of Education, is granted to a deserving education student completing Student Teaching (Internship). Congratulations Samantha!
The Pembroke Singers, UNCP’s audition chamber choir, received an invitation from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Méjico UNAM (University of Mexico) to perform at their 1st International Collegiate Choral Festival. For this festival, February 2-6, 2017, the Pembroke Singers shared the stage with choirs from Cuba, Colombia, Argentina and Mexico.