Welcome to the UNCP Music Department!
If you have a goal for your career in music, we can help you move toward that goal. If you don’t have a goal, make one! It is up to each of you to put forth the effort in every facet of your music education. We can teach and direct you, but you must put in the time in the practice room and studying for each of your courses.
This handbook can help guide you. It contains answers to many of your questions. It contains most of the policies and procedures in the music department. It will inform you about the Jury at the end of each semester of private study. You will learn about the Evaluation Forum at the end of the third semester of study. Find the requirements for your Piano Proficiency. Check out the information about performing on a department recital each semester. Read about the procedure for doing a Junior or Senior Recital. The degree checklists are also enclosed. And, there is much more. All of these events are an important part of your education. Be informed about what is expected of you.
Finally, plan ahead. We have included many of the dates for this school year, but you should be in the habit of checking the music department website for updates to the calendar. You will have some kind of event nearly every Wednesday morning at 10:10 AM. We usually do our department recitals, seminars, and other meetings and events during this time. Put all the dates in your calendar for your long term planning and then check the website as you get closer to a concert or other event.
I look forward to seeing you work hard and succeed!
Dr. Joseph Van Hassel
Chair of the Department of Music