Course Progression
The courses needed to complete the Master of Arts in Teaching: Spanish Education degree are listed below:
Educator Core (9 credit hours)
_____EDN 5040 Introduction to Basic Tenets of Education/15 hours field experience
_____EDN 5120 Advanced Study of the Exceptional Child/10 hours field experience
_____EDN 5450 Introduction to Curriculum Design/20 hours field experience
Pedagogy (6 credit hours)
_____ENG 5830 Second Language Acquisition
_____ SPN 5400 Methods of Teaching Spanish
Content Courses (12 credit hours)
Required: 3 credit hours
_____SPN 5700 Hispanic Linguistics
Electives: 9 credit hours
_____SPN 5100 Civilization and Culture of Spanish America
_____SPN 5110 Spanish Phonetics and Phonology
_____SPN 5120 Survey of Spanish Literature
_____SPNS 5XXX Special Topics in Hispanics Studies
_____SPNS 6XXX Special Topics in Hispanic Studies
_____SPN 5810 Internship for Spanish Education
Questions can be directed to Dr. Ana Cecilia Lara via email at .

Ana Cecilia Lara
Professor and Director of World Languages, Director of the Graduate Program in Spanish Education & Coordinator of Spanish Teacher Licensure (K-12)