Cameron Troutman, Italy White, Dr. Rita Hagevik (Graduate Director), Taylor Hunt, and Cecily Ivey
The Graduate Research Symposium was held from 5:30-7:30 PM on Tuesday, 5 April 2016 in the University Center Annex.
Congratulations to all our EXCELLENT graduate Science Education presenters at the symposium -- Cameron Troutman and Italy White, Cecily Ivey and Taylor Hunt, and Caroline Newman. A special congratulations is needed for Caroline Newman who received BEST RESEARCH POSTER AND PRESENTATION at this year’s event! Way to go graduate science education!!!
This year’s winners are:
Jessica Mager, Elementary Education
A Study of Daily Five Reading and its Effectiveness Towards Increasing Student Motivation
Dena M. Ali, Public Administration
Improving Firefighter Effectiveness through Wellness
Caroline Newman, Science Education
The Effects of Student Generated Modeling on High School Physical Science Student’s Self-Efficacy and Motivation
Honorable Mention goes to:
Jacqueline E. Barnoski , Nursing
At-Risk and Early-Stage CKD Identification Barriers Amongst Diabetics in the Primary Care Setting
Article contributed by Rita Hagevik
To learn more about graduate science education, contact the Director of Graduate Programs in Science Education, Dr. Rita Hagevik, at rita.hagevik@uncp.edu, or visit the webpage by clicking here.