The Composition Program
The Composition Program, situated within the English Program, serves all in-coming students at UNCP and consists of two programs: ENG1050 and ENG 1060.
ENG 1050 and ENG 1060
English 1050 and 1060 are required as part of the Writing Intensive program, outlined in UNCP's Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP). Some sections of 1050 and 1060 are also designated as Plus One and require an additional one-hour lab. These additional lab sections, capped at 5 students, support students' writing and provide opportunities for students to get individualized help from their instructors. Other sections have special themes and requirements, which are listed in course titles on BraveWeb.
Composition Attendance Policy
View our mandatory attendance policy.

Cyndi Miecznikowski
Associate Professor and Director of First-Year Composition
Dial Humanities Building, 239B