Located just inside the James B. Chavis Student Center, the Information Station is open Monday-Friday, from 9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m., Saturday 11:30 a.m. -5:30 p.m. Sunday 11:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. to assist students, faculty, staff and visitors. During school vacations and summer sessions, the hours are adjusted and posted.
Some services provided by the Information Station include:
- Campus and community event information
- Information on University services, policies, and regulations
- BRAVE bulletin board postings & approval
- Courtesy Phone – local calls only
- Communication Center Announcements
- Event Assistance – setups and technical assistance
- Bike Share – FREE
- Shopping Shuttle
For more information, contact the Information Station Manager, at 910.521.6575 or by email.
Lost and Found
Lost and Found is maintained as a service to UNCP students, faculty, and staff. The official location of UNCP’s Lost and Found is the Information Station located on the first floor of the James B. Chavis Student Center. The hours are 9am – 9pm Monday-Friday close during the summer. The phone number for the Information Station is 910-521-6575.
The following is the procedure for lost and found items:
To report a lost or stolen item, please call or come by the Information Station and give a description of the item and contact information in the event an item sufficiently matching the description is turned in.
Found items should be turned into the Information Station within 24 hours of receipt. After this time period, the chances of returning the item to its owner decrease dramatically.
To claim an item, please call or drop by the Information Station with an adequate description of the item. Proper identification must be submitted before the item in question may be turned over to the claimee.
Items which have been found will be stored and held for thirty (30) days from the date of receipt. After thirty (30) days, if an item has not been claimed, it shall be deemed abandoned and will be donated to a charitable organization, if determined to have any value, or discarded, if deemed to have no discernable value.
When the owner of an item has been notified that their property has been found, that individual has two weeks from the date of notification to retrieve the item from the Information Station. After two weeks, items will be deemed abandoned and will be donated to a charitable organization, if determined to have any value, or discarded, if deemed to have no discernable value. If arrangements are made with the Information Station, items identified during breaks will be held for the duration of the breakthrough two weeks of the current semester. If arrangements are made with the Information Station, items identified during the summer months will be held for the duration of the summer through the first two weeks of the following fall semester.
Descriptions of items that have been reported as lost or stolen will be kept for a period of six (6) months and then discarded. UNCP and its employees, including the Information Station staff, assume no responsibility or liability for the condition or care of any items, past, present, or future and no responsibility or liability for delivery of any item to any person who falsely or erroneously claims the item as his/her property.
Click here for a list of lost items