Town of Pembroke

Meet Our Community Partners

Robeson County Health Department (RCHD) ( Established in 1912, the RCHD is  recognized as the nation’s oldest rural health department and as one of North  Carolina’s most comprehensive public health departments. They offer comprehensive health services to children and adults, serving over 55,000  consumers annually. 

Healthy Start CORPS ( Healthy Start is a case management and community  intervention program with the goal of enhancing the perinatal service system in  Robeson County. The focus of Healthy Start is to eliminate disparities in perinatal  health and empower communities to address the factors contributing to perinatal  morbidity and mortality. 

Public Schools of Robeson County (PSRC) ( With an enrollment of approximately  24,000 students, the PSRC is one of the largest school systems in the state. In 2018,  Robeson County’s teen pregnancy rate was 44% per 1000 for 15–19-year-olds, with  37.6 % African American and 47.1% Hispanic (Shift NC, 2018). 

Scotland County Schools (SCS) ( SCS serves over 5000 students and has a 100%  free/reduced lunch rate eligibility (Scotland County Schools, n.d.). In 2018, Scotland  County's teen pregnancy rate per 1,000 for 15–19-year-olds was 46.2%, with 50.1%  African American (Shift NC, 2018).