Jackson Bradway
Nursing Major
Originally from Jacksonville, NC, Jackson Bradway knew the University of North Carolina was the college for her the minute she stepped onto campus. The students and staff welcomed her with friendly faces, and throughout her time at UNC Pembroke, Jackson has felt like she has gained a second family.
In May of 2020, Jackson graduated with a bachelor’s degree in nursing. Throughout all four years, she received the Dean’s Fellowship Award. She was also a Chancellor’s Ambassador and a member of the Association of Nursing Students. During her sophomore year, Jackson also had the honor of being a member of the Lambda Sigma Honors Society. During her summer breaks, Jackson worked as a cashier and supervisor for North Myrtle Beach Parks and Recreation. She worked at both the Beach Services, as well as the North Myrtle Beach Sports Complex. Jackson also held jobs during the holiday season with the parks, working the Great Christmas Light Show.
Being a member of the Maynor Honors College allowed Jackson to make connections with people she otherwise would not have. She credits this, mostly, to living in Oak Hall her first two years on campus. After beginning her honors curriculum, Jackson was surprised by how doable the requirements were. At first, she was overwhelmed not knowing if she would be able to complete the honors curriculum as well as meet all the requirements of the nursing program. However, Jackson developed her time management and organization skills, and with much determination was able to complete all her requirements and graduate from the Honors College.
Jackson chose to complete her senior project on the job satisfaction of nurses. She titled her project, “The Influence of Work Environment on Job Satisfaction Among Registered Nurses.” During her junior year, Jackson observed as her senior peers began searching for jobs. Wondering what she would face in the year to come inspired her to begin research into major concerns nurses had in their work environments. Learning about the issues facing modern nurses, Jackson learned information that not only helped in the classroom, but also when she began applying for jobs.
After graduation, Jackson plans to earn her nursing licensure by taking the NCLEX exam. After obtaining her license, Jackson will start at New Hanover Regional Medical Center working as a registered nurse (RN). She is excited to begin her nursing career and cannot wait to see what the future holds for her in the field.
When asked about advice for future honors students, Jackson wanted to advise that many things seem impossible until they are done. Discouragements are normal, but always stay focused, stay organized, and try your best.