Volleyball team honors Biology faculty trio

Volleyball team and their honored faculty and staff
Volleyball team honors favorite faculty and staff

Biology faculty Crystal Walline, Meg Zets, and Nicolas Negrin Pereira are making a big difference in the classroom. Last fall, student athletes in their classes honored them during the UNCP volleyball team’s Faculty and Staff Appreciation night. The September 28th event recognized 15 faculty and staff across the campus who made positive impacts on the lives of student athletes. Students who bestowed certificates of appreciation on Biology faculty were Taylor Osborne (Dr. Walline), Abby ("Abigail") Spencer (Prof. Zets), and Kaitlyn Pressley (Dr. Negrin Pereira).  

Dr. Walline teaches undergraduate courses in Anatomy & Physiology I & II, Immunology, and Medicinal & Poisonous Plants. Prof. Zets teaches introductory undergraduate courses in Biology and has been recognized on several occasions by student athletes for her outstanding work in the classroom. Dr. Negrin Pereira, one of the newest members of the Biology faculty, teaches undergraduate courses in agricultural science, including Introduction to Animal Science and Principles of Animal Nutrition.

Congratulations to Professors Walline, Zets, and Pereira for this outstanding recognition!

Photos are courtesy of Willis Glassgow, University Photographer