The Office of Student Inclusion & Diversity and the Gender Equity & Inclusion Committee at UNC Pembroke recently announced Women’s History Month events in March, April and May.
Women’s History Month–celebrated annually in March–commemorates and raises awareness of women's historical and contemporary contributions. The celebration’s roots can be traced to the first International Women’s Day in 1911. Women’s History Week was held on March 8, 1978, in Sonoma County, California.
Details for events listed below can be found at uncp.edu/womenshistorymonth, including event registration links.
March 8
- International Women's Day is a global day to celebrate women's social, economic, cultural and political achievements.
March 11
- Join us for “Leading Women, Strong Voices,” a panel of student women in leadership, at 6 p.m. in the University Center Annex. It is hosted by the Student Government Association and Office of Student Inclusion & Diversity. View more information on BraveConnect.
March 12
- How might have a real-life Black aristocrat navigated late 18th-century English genteel society? The Department of History is hosting a showing of the film Belle (2013), the fictionalized account of the life of Dido Elizabeth Belle. An Afro-Anglo member of the Mansfield family and potential influence on her uncle, Lord Mansfield, the chief justice who presided over the Somerset trial that forbade enslavers from transporting enslaved people out of England and effectively abolished slavery in England, considers that question. Belle is proficient at everything expected of an English lady, yet her racial status defines what rewards come her way. It is as if Jane Austen wrote a novel with a black heroine. Belle imagines the life of a rarely considered actual person and challenges viewers to think of “powerless” figures as someone other than the object of grand historical forces beyond their control. The event begins at 6 p.m. and will be held in Dial 225. View more information on BraveConnect.
March 13
- Calling all college women in search of a dedicated space to study and excel in your classes! Embrace the camaraderie at our weekly Ladies Study Circle every Wednesday. This welcoming haven is not just for academic preparation but also for fostering connections with other empowering women on campus. In this laid-back and informal setting, bring along whatever materials you need to conquer your goals. Join us in creating a supportive community where success is achieved and celebrated together! The gathering will be held from 5-7 p.m. in Education 137, hosted by Alpha Pi Omega Sorority. View more information on BraveConnect.
March 20
- Join us for the second session of the Ladies Study Circle from 5-7 p.m. in Education 137, hosted by Alpha Pi Omega Sorority. View more information on BraveConnect.
- The Brave Dialogue: Exploring Imposter Syndrome in Women in STEM will be held at 5 p.m. in Old Main 124. Hosted by the Office of Student Inclusion & Diversity. View more information on BraveConnect.
March 22
- The Women’s Empowerment Summit will be held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Office of Regional Initiatives (115 Livermore Drive, Pembroke, NC). The summit invites women from all backgrounds to come together and celebrate one another. This year's theme is 'Preserving HERstory'-highlighting storytellers and ways we heal and feel empowered when telling our stories. Keynote speakers are Arlinda Locklear, the first American Indian woman to argue a case before the U.S. Supreme Court and Vivian Jacobson, a philanthropist, art enthusiast and author. To register and learn more, visit uncp.edu/womensempowerment.
March 25
- Participate in a conversation about the representation of women in media at 6 p.m. in Old Main 124, hosted by Beyond the Lines and the Office of Student Inclusion & Diversity. View more information on BraveConnect.
March 27
- Join us for the Ladies Study Circle third session from 5-7 p.m. in Education 137. Hosted by Alpha Pi Omega Sorority. View more information on BraveConnect.
April 2
- Dietitian Joy Hunt will discuss preparing a healthy meal using Indigenous ingredients. The American Indian Center’s Indigenous Power Hour “Savor the Flavor: Cooking Indigenous Foods Demonstration” will be held from 4-6 p.m. at the Chancellor’s Residence. The event is open to all UNCP students; only 15 spots are available. View more information on BraveConnect.
April 3
- Join us for the fourth and final session of the Ladies Study Circle from 5-7 p.m. in Education 137, hosted by Alpha Pi Omega Sorority. View more information on BraveConnect.
May 5
- National Day of Awareness for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls. Please wear red to raise awareness of the thousands of unsolved cases of missing and murdered American Indians and remember those lost to murder and who remain missing.
For more information about Women’s History Month, visit uncp.edu/womenshistorymonth or contact the Office of Student Inclusion & Diversity at 910.521.6508 or osid@uncp.edu.