Winter Weather Advisory

According to the National Weather Service, winter weather may affect our area on Tuesday and Wednesday, January 21-22. UNCP administrators are closely monitoring conditions and will communicate any changes to university operations as needed.

Please stay informed by checking your campus email, and our social media channels for updates. In the event of university-level closings or cancellations, BraveAlert text messaging will be deployed.

COVID - During Mandatory Social Distancing

We understand the difficulties for faculty and students of abruptly moving from face-to-face classes into an online environment and we are here to help ease the transition as much as we can. To alleviate your Inbox from becoming filled with constant information, we recommend you check here regularly for updates and common FAQs.  

Faculty and teaching staff, please click on the link to the right of this page entitled

“Moving Online - Faculty.”

Students, please click on the link to the right of this page entitled

“Moving Online - Students.”