Humans vs. Zombies 2024

Humans vs. Zombies (HvZ) is a week-long, campus-wide game of "tag" that incorporates lore and themes of humans trying to survive the spread of a virus that turns humans into zombies. It is an open-play event with special events throughout the week that encourage team-building, collaboration, and critical thinking. 

The game will take place from February 26 to March 1, 2024. All players must register and attend a mandatory rules meeting to participate. All UNC Pembroke students are invited to play. 

After all players have been approved, there will be a random drawing to determine "Patient Zero." The goal is for Zombies to tag humans, which will then turn them into Zombies, and they will join the Zombie team. The goal for the Humans is to avoid being tagged and remain a part of the Human team. If/when all Humans have been tagged, the Zombie team has won, and the game is over.

This event is sponsored by the eSports Club. For any questions, please contact Game Administrators Sam Hauser ( or Kyran Carter ( 


The registration deadline is Wednesday, February 21 at 11:59 p.m. The mandatory rules meetings will take place Thursday, Feb. 22 at 5 p.m. and Friday, Feb. 23 at 12 p.m., both in the James A. Thomas Hall Auditorium.

Register to Play

Reporting Forms

Tag Reporting Form

Gameplay Rules Violations Reporting Form

Faculty/Staff Concern Reporting Form

Injury Reporting Form