Requirements for a Minor in Gender Studies
Students must take 18 hours from the courses listed below, selecting courses from at least two different disciplines (AIS, CRJ, ENG, HST, PLSS, REL, SAB, SOC, or SWK):
· AIS 4230/HST4230: Indigenous Women (3 credits)
· AIS/HST 4620: Gender and Power in Native North America to 1900
· CRJ/SOC4520: Women and Crime (3 credits)
· ENG 2080: Women's Literature (3 credits)
· HST 3800: Women and the Development of U.S. Society (3 credits)
· HST3820: Growing Up in America (3 credits)
· HST 4070: Women in U.S. History Since 1870 (3 credits)
· HST 4120: History of Sexuality (3 credits)
· REL3350: Sexuality and Religion (3 credits)
· SOC 3030: The Family (3 credits)
· SOC 3540: Gender and Society (3 credits)
· SOC 3890: Exploring Masculinities (3 credits)
· SOC 4610: Addiction and Women (3 credits)
· SAB 4610: Addiction and Women (3 credits)
· SWK 3870: Women in Society (3 credits)
· SWK3890: Social Work Practice with GLBTQ Populations (3 credits)
Total: 18 Sem. Hrs.
*Permission of the Gender Studies Coordinator is required before any special topics course may be used to meet the requirements for the minor in Gender Studies.
*See current catalog course listings here.
Michele Fazio (English)—special sections of ENG 2020: Contemporary Literature
Brooke Kelly (Sociology)—SOC 3240: Gender and Society & SOC 3030: Family