SALUTE Veterans National Honor Society
Welcome to the homepage for the UNCP chapter of SALUTE Veterans National Honor Society, the only national honor society exclusive to student veterans, active military students, guard, or reservists. SALUTE Veterans National Honor Society is designed to recognize the academic accomplishments of active military and student veterans on our campus. For additional information on SALUTE email veterans@uncp.edu.
Undergraduate Membership Eligibility Criteria
All undergraduate students selected for induction to SALUTE must meet the following criteria:
1. Be currently enrolled as a student and have a minimum of 12 course credits;
2. Qualify as military/veteran student under locally-derived and maintained definitions. Applicant must submit a DD-214 Member 4 copy that displays the character of service (honorable discharge). Applicants currently serving on active duty or in the Guard or Reserves must submit a copy of orders for their current duty assignment. These documents and unofficial transcripts should be submitted to Academic & Military Outreach.
3. Possess a cumulative GPA at UNCP according to the tiers listed below.
- Alpha Tier GPA: 3.75 – 4.00
- Bravo Tier GPA: 3.50 – 3.74
- Charlie Tier GPA: 3.25 – 3.49
- Delta Tier GPA: 3.00 – 3.24
Grade Point Averages may not be rounded; GPA tiers are determined based on your cumulative GPA. GPAs can be proven by submitting unofficial transcripts to the SALUTE Chapter Director.
4. Have served or currently be serving in the military, National Guard, or reserves. If no longer serving, have been honorably discharged from service.
5. Maintain the highest ethical standards as defined by being in “good standing” as a student.
Graduate Membership Eligibility Criteria
Inducted graduate students will be classified as SALUTE Gold Members. To qualify as a Gold Member, the student must have completed 12 semester/quarter hours of graduate work or the equivalent, and must have at least a 3.5 cumulative GPA. There are no tier levels for grad students. Graduate students must also:
1. Qualify as military/veteran student under locally-derived and maintained definitions. Applicant must submit a DD-214 Member 4 copy that displays the character of service (honorable discharge). Applicants currently serving on active duty or in the Guard or Reserves must submit a copy of orders for their current duty assignment. These documents and unofficial transcripts should be submitted to Academic & Military Outreach.
2. Have served or currently be serving in the military, National Guard, or reserves. If no longer serving, have been honorably discharged from service.
3. Maintain the highest ethical standards as defined by being in “good standing” as a student.
Becoming a Member
To begin the induction process, a qualifying candidate must:
- Complete the membership application. Submit the unofficial transcripts of all qualifying college-level coursework, and a DD-214, Discharge from Active Duty, or copy of military orders to Academic & Military Outreach (AMO) for review; (AMO Director will verify qualifying work and determine the appropriate GPA tier).
- AMO Director will contact candidate via email with the proposed GPA tier (for undergraduate members)
- Once a GPA tier for the candidate has been finalized and acknowledged in written form by the candidate (email or hardcopy document), his or her name will be included on the submission sheet. Candidate may then submit membership payment of $35.00 via cash or check to UNCP c/o Academic & Military Outreach.
- The SALUTE Director will send the list of inductees to the SALUTE national office.
Associated Fees
- $35.00 fee for initial membership.
- $10.00 additional fee for upper mobility of GPA tiers; This will allow the member to have more scholarship opportunities (certain qualifications may apply).
Tier-Upgrade Mobility (Undergraduate Only)
- Members are encouraged to move up to the next higher tier level as their GPA increases. This serves to motivate students to strive for improvement. Higher tier levels have opportunities for greater scholarship money and receive updated materials. Such as, new certificate, along with a personalized letter of recommendation from SALUTE National.
- To complete a tier-upgrade, contact Academic & Military Outreach at veterans@uncp.edu. You will be required to pay a $10.00 fee and submit an updated unofficial transcript with a completed Tier Upgrade Form.
Induction Ceremonies
- November ceremony (for candidates accepted from Fall Semester)
- April ceremony (for candidates accepted from Spring Semester)
Benefits fo Membership
- One-time payment for lifetime membership.
- A certificate and military-style challenge coin commemorating the individual’s membership in SALUTE and their specific level of academic achievement.
- Opportunities to network as well as receive and give assistance to fellow members.
- Wear SALUTE regalia to demonstrate academic achievements and veteran status at graduation.
- Participate in future SALUTE programs
SALUTE National Scholarship Program
The purpose of the SALUTE National Scholarship Program is to provide financial assistance to veterans, or active duty service members, who are pursuing undergraduate, graduate and alternative certification at accredited institutions.
An individual may receive a SALUTE scholarship only once.
Awarded recipients who withdraw or graduate before spring or do not maintain the minimum GPA will forfeit their scholarship.
SALUTE National offers ten awards, two in each of the five GPA Tiers.
Awards will be distributed for each GPA Tier in the following amounts:
- GOLD: $1500 (2 awards)
- ALPHA: $1000 (2 awards)
- BRAVO: $800 (2 awards)
- CHARLIE: $600 (2 awards)
- DELTA: $400 (2 awards)
Applicants must be SALUTE members before they apply for a scholarship. Each applicant must meet ALL of the following membership eligibility requirements:
- Undergraduate students need to have completed 12 credit hours, and have a minimum 3.0 GPA;
- Graduate students need to have completed 9 credit hours, and have a minimum 3.5 GPA;
- All students must be an Honorably Discharged U.S. Military Veteran, or current Active Duty, Reserve or Guard member.