Study Away Application

Please fill out this form if you would like to participate in a short-term Study Away program led by UNCP faculty. Study Away programs travel to locations within the United States and its territories.


Program Information

A non-refundable Study Abroad application fee will be required for each application submitted. The cost of this fee is $40. Applications will not be considered complete until the application fee has been paid.

Students are responsible for the completion of their study abroad application, providing all require supporting documents, and paying their application fee and the specified program costs.

If you have questions at any time during the study abroad process, feel free to contact the Study Abroad Coordinator for assistance by emailing ip@uncp.eduor calling 910-521-6573.


Payment Information

1) Print the Study Abroad/Away Payment Slip

2) Fill it out with the trip information.

3) Take the form and your payment to the Cashier's Office at Brave Central in Lumbee Hall. 

Payments will not be accepted without a form.


 Statement of Purpose

Please answer the following questions then upload your answers at the end of the application.

1) Why have you chosen to study away and what do you hope to gain from the experience? Why have you chosen this specific program and location? Please include how your study abroad experience will fit into your career plans, intellectual/personal growth, and educational goals. 

2) Please introduce yourself. Tell us about your family or about your interests, hobbies, and activities in which you are involved on- and off-campus. 

Your answers must be included in the same file.