Winter Weather Advisory

According to the National Weather Service, winter weather may affect our area on Tuesday and Wednesday, January 21-22. UNCP administrators are closely monitoring conditions and will communicate any changes to university operations as needed.

Please stay informed by checking your campus email, and our social media channels for updates. In the event of university-level closings or cancellations, BraveAlert text messaging will be deployed.

Title IX & Clery Compliance Staff & Deputy Title IX Coordinators

As Senior Campus Investigator, # is a neutral fact-finder who will conduct interviews and follow-up interviews with a Complainant, Respondent, and any third-party witnesses.  S/he is not an advocate for any particular party involved in a sexual misconduct investigation and treats all parties fairly and equally while conducting an open-minded, factually-based investigation.  # also conducts training and education sessions and is available to schedule class or group presentations.

Senior Campus Investigator
Office of Title IX and Clery Compliance
Joseph B. Oxendine Administrative Building, Suite 104
Office: 910.775.4105
Facsimile: 910.521.6891

As the Pregnant and Parenting Compliance Coordinator, Jasmine assists students who experience pregnancy-related concerns in receiving supportive measures and resources that ensure equal access to educational programs and activities. As a Campus Investigator, she is a neutral factfinder who conducts initial and follow-up interviews with Complainants, Respondents, and any third-party witnesses. 

UNC Pembroke has received an Office on Violence Against Women grant to reduce sexual violence on campus.  The grant project coordinator directs the efforts of the grant to include our work with our partners: Rape Crisis Center of Robeson County, Southeastern Family Violence Center,  and the Town of Pembroke Police Department.

Deputy Title IX Coordinators

Deputy Title IX Coordinators assist the Title IX Coordinator with resolving complaints and issues of gender-based discrimination and sexual misconduct within the UNC Pembroke community.  The deputy coordinators are resources for faculty, staff, and students and can answer questions about policy, procedures, and available resources.  Together, the coordinators play an integral role in carrying out the university's commitment to provide a positive learning, teaching and working environment for the entire campus community.

Dr. Kyle Smith

Dr. Kyle Smith
Assoc. Vice Chancellor
Office for Student Affairs
UC Annex, Room 208

Dr. Scott Billingsley

Dr. Scott Billingsley
Assoc. Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Office of the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Lumbee Hall, Room 427
Office: 910.521.6224

Dr. Nicolette Campos

Dr. Nicolette Campos
Director of Employee Relations and Workforce Development
Department of Human Resources
Lumbee Hall, Room 353


Christina Chow

Christina Chow
Director for Compliance
Department of Athletics
English E. Jones Center, Room 1104
Office: 910.775.4246