How Do I...?

Get Routine Work Done?

Routine work such as painting, moving, and minor repairs may be sent to the Work Control Center.

You will receive an email once your Work Request has been received.

Get a Key Issued?

Fill out a Key Request Form, get it signed by your department head and 
Vice Chancellor, and return it to Facilities Operations. Key Request Forms may also be obtained from Facilities Operations.

Reserve a Vehicle?

First, make sure that your current driver's license is on file in our office. To reserve a vehicle, click the following link Vehicle Request. Read the policy on vehicle use.  For further information contact 910-775-4261 or

Acquire a Digging and Trenching Permit?

Fill out the Digging and Excavation Request Form and submit it to Physical Plant Work Order Control Center (521-6233).

Get a Tent Permit?

First, read the North Carolina Fire Prevention Code for tents and canopies.  After reading the regulations, fill out the Tent Permit form and submit it to the NC Department of Insurance for approval.

Request a Special Project?

First, read the Special Projects Policy to understand the process and steps required.  After reading the requirements fill out the Special Projects Form, if requesting a Capital Improvement Project fill out this form and submit it to Mark Vesely at Facilities Management. 

Still Have Questions?

Call Facilities Operations at 910.521.6233 or email at