UNCP’s Kyle Levine wins regional award

Kyle Levine
Kyle Levine

UNC Pembroke’s Kyle Levine, assistant director for student organization development in the Office of Campus Engagement and Leadership was recently awarded the New Professional Award by the Association of College Unions International at the Region III conference at East Carolina University.

ACUI's mission is to support its members in the development of community through education, advocacy and the delivery of services as they are committed to becoming the innovative, responsive and inclusive leader in creating progressive education, training and research in college unions and student activities to excel in meeting member needs, impacting student learning and enhancing campus communities.

The New Professional Award is given to a new professional within Region III who has demonstrated a strong commitment to the profession and Region III. Recipients of this award are active in their campus community and in ACUI initiatives.

Kyle joined UNC Pembroke’s Office for Campus Engagement and Leadership in spring 2018 where he serves as the assistant director for student organization development. In his role, he works directly with student leaders and on-campus advisors to enhance the impact of student organizations on campus, the experience the members of those organizations take away during their tenure at UNC Pembroke, overall enrollment in student organizations, and directly advises the Student Government Association.

“The CEL office staff is very proud of Kyle for receiving this recognition after being at UNC Pembroke a very short time. We knew when he came on board he would be special, and this recognition confirms what we already knew and that is he is an upcoming star in Student Affairs,” stated director of Campus Engagement and Leadership Abdul Ghaffar.

The recipient of the award was required to meet the following criteria:

  • Has been in the field at least two years but no more than five  
  • Has demonstrated commitment to the college union and student activities through institutional involvement
  • Has demonstrated commitment to ACUI through regional and/or Association-wide involvement

“Kyle is an amazing new professional who has hit the ground running since his first day on the job. Having only been in his current role for less than a year, he has already made such a positive impact on the students he serves as well as elevated the importance of the work of the office. I am so grateful Kyle is a part of our team,” said Bethany Wendler, associate director of CEL.


CEL’s mission is to provide meaningful co- and extra-curricular developmental and educational opportunities for students in a values-based and student-centered environment, and is a department within the Division of Student Affairs. To learn more about CEL, visit uncp.edu/CEL or follow the department on social media.