Honors College Faculty Nomination Process

Faculty Nomination Process

The status of “Honors College Faculty” is reserved for tenured/tenure track members of The University of North Carolina at Pembroke faculty who meet and exceed the criteria for consideration listed below. Honors college faculty are eligible to teach honors courses which are scheduled through the Maynor Honors College (MHC). MHC Faculty are subject to review by the University Honors Council every five years.

Eligibility Criteria for Maynor Honors College Faculty Status

  • A minimum of two years teaching experience at UNCP.
  • Exceptional teaching performance at the undergraduate level as demonstrated by favorable student evaluation of instruction (both quantitative and qualitative).
  • An earned doctorate (or its equivalent) appropriate for the academic field.
  • A record of experience in the field of study as demonstrated by post-graduate study, professional experience, scholarship in the discipline, and service to the academic discipline.
  • Documented evidence of recent/current scholarly engagement and production of scholarly work in activities including but not limited to: 
    • grant writing
    • peer-reviewed publications
    • academic and/or administrative fellowships
    • presentations to learned societies and organizations
    • professional consultations
    • leadership in professional organizations/learned societies
  • Approval/recommendation of the department chair, the college/school Dean, the Dean of the Honors College, the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, and the University Honors Council.

To nominate yourself or another deserving faculty member to receive Honors College Faculty status, please complete this nomination application and return it to the Maynor Honors College (honors@uncp.edu). Please contact the Dean of the Maynor Honors College prior to completing an application.

Faculty Renewal Process

Appointments to Honors College Faculty Status are subject to continuous review, with a formal review every five years. Faculty under formal review will be notified and will be asked to submit a current CV. The Dean will make recommendations for renewal to the University Honors Council. If a faculty member does not submit a CV or the University Honors Council is not in favor of renewal, Honors College Faculty Status is removed. The faculty member may be nominated again for Honors College Faculty status at a later date.