Founded in 1887 as a school for the education of American Indians, The University of North Carolina at Pembroke now serves a distinctly diverse student body and encourages inclusion and appreciation for the values of all people. UNC Pembroke exists to promote excellence in teaching and learning, at the graduate and undergraduate levels, in an environment of free inquiry, interdisciplinary collaboration and rigorous intellectual standards.
Our diversity and our commitment to personalized teaching uniquely prepare our students for rewarding careers, postgraduate education, leadership roles, and fulfilling lives. We cultivate an international perspective, rooted in our service to and appreciation of our multi-ethnic regional society, which prepares citizens for engagement in global society. Students are encouraged to participate in activities that develop their intellectual curiosity and mold them into responsible stewards of the world. UNCP faculty and staff are dedicated to active student learning, engaged scholarship, high academic standards, creative activity and public service. We celebrate our heritage as we enhance the intellectual, cultural, economic and social life of the region.
The University of North Carolina at Pembroke will challenge students to acknowledge and adapt to an ever-changing global environment. To this end, the student's university experience will emphasize critical thinking, effective communication, service and social responsibility. Within a culture that promotes the student's personal, social, and professional development, we will assure excellence that is discipline-specific as well as interdisciplinary. As part of their academic experiences, students will be provided with opportunities to conduct relevant undergraduate and graduate research that contributes to the betterment of society.

The faculty and staff of UNC Pembroke are guided by the following set of core values.
The commitment to serving the local region.
The creation, exploration, evaluation and articulation of ideas.
The value of a liberal arts foundation as the basis of self-realization and lifelong learning.
The importance of honor and integrity to learning and leadership as we educate students to be stewards of the world.
The appreciation of the American Indian history of the university and local community.
The appreciation of diversity and respect for the dignity and worth of every individual.
The commitment to prepare graduate and undergraduate students to succeed in an ever-changing and increasingly technological global environment.
The accessibility of education which leads to the enhancement of the economy and culture in the region.
The maintenance of a sustainable, safe, healthful, attractive and accessible campus.
The University of North Carolina at Pembroke distinguishes itself from peer institutions by offering an affordable, highly personalized, student-centered education to diverse students. Founded in 1887 as an American Indian institution to serve the Lumbee people, UNCP is now also comprised of students, faculty and staff who possess differing attributes based on race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, disability status, national origin, age, political affiliation, religion and other characteristics. Diversity grounds intellectual pursuits and provides us with opportunities for discovery and ways to integrate all individuals and groups into the larger community, respecting and valuing their uniqueness, while simultaneously advancing the university’s historical tradition. UNC Pembroke thus prepares its students for life and leadership within a diverse society.