Ashley Anderson

Ashley Anderson

Ashley Anderson, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, Special Education

School of Education, 312



Ashley Anderson holds a doctoral degree in Special Education from UNC Charlotte in Special Education. She also has an M.Ed. in Special Education from UNC Charlotte and a Bachelor’s in Special Education from Western Carolina University. She currently serves as an assistant professor in Special Education at UNC Pembroke in the School of Education.  She has 12 years of experience in the classroom serving students with extensive support needs, as well as her National Board Certification for students with extensive support needs and intellectual disability. She also holds dual certification in Special Education for teaching students with mild to moderate disabilities. Her research interests include supporting students with extensive support needs, early transition-based skill learning, and community-based instruction. She is also pursuing her BCBA certification in behavior analysis.  In her spare time she serves as the local coordinator for Special Olympics Gaston County and participates in several professional organizations in addition to supporting a transition program for students with intellectual disabilities in her community. She enjoys spending time with my family and friends, participating in sports and outdoor activities, baking, and crafting.