Four brand new electric vehicle charging stations are now installed at the Grace P. Johnson Football Stadium and are open for use, free to the public! Now that these four new charging stations are up and running UNCP has a total of 10 free charging stations available for the public to use.

Rainwater barrels are installed to allow for the collection of water to repurpose for landscaping on the UNCP campus. In addition to the current installation behind the Pinchbeck Maintenance building, we are also looking into installing rain barrels at Pine Cottage to help supply an irrigation system for the grounds around the house. In the image, you can see one of the larger barrels we have obtained for this project that can hold 1,200 gallons of water. More updates to come on each of these projects!
Weigh The Waste Events
Weigh the Waste is a re-occuring event that takes place in the dining hall where we collect all the food scraps/waste from students, faculty, staff, and visitors as they exit the dining hall to gather data on the average amount of food waste produced per person during lunch. This data allows for analysis of how much someone may be wasting each year if they are eating at least two meals a day like this. We also hope the visual of seeing the food waste pile up brings individuals to realize how much is wasted and that there is a dire need to reduce food waste globally.
December 2nd, 2023: 0.9 pounds per person
April 17th, 2023: 0.5 pounds per person
October 19th, 2023: 0.4 pounds per person
September 13th, 2024: 0.6 pounds per person