Nursing - CLC Contract

Simulated Learning Contract and Confidentiality Agreement

Simulation Contract: The McKenzie Elliott School of Nursing Clinical Learning Center has designed simulated experiences to best represent actual client situations. During these simulated experiences, the roles of clients, significant others, and members of the interprofessional team are fulfilled by students, volunteers, faculty and/or manikins. I am expected to engage with these simulated participants/manikins in a professional and realistic manner. The manikins are to be used with respect and be treated as if they were real clients. Situations simulated in the lab are to be used as learning experiences; thus, I will respect the roles of my faculty and peers as well as volunteers and follow the CLC’s Code of Conduct/Behavior during all simulation-based experiences.

Confidentiality Agreement: As a user of the CLC, I understand the significance of confidentiality with respect to information concerning simulated clients and fellow students. I will uphold all requirements of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and any other federal or state laws regarding confidentiality. I agree to report any violation(s) of confidentiality that I become aware of to my instructor or facilitator, and I agree to adhere to the guidelines outlined below:

• All client information, actual or simulated, is considered confidential and any inappropriate viewing, discussion or disclosure of this information is a violation of UNCP McKenzie Elliott School of Nursing policy.

• All scenarios, regardless of their outcome, should be treated in a professional manner. Situations simulated in the lab are to be used as a learning tool and not to be used for humiliation of fellow students.

• I am not to remove, release, or make publicly available any documented (written or electronic), observed, or recorded client or student information that may be accessible to me as part of a simulated learning experience.

• Simulation and debriefing sessions may be audiotaped and/or videotaped. This recorded information is privileged, and confidentiality must be maintained at all times.

CLC Policies and Procedures: I understand that I must uphold the stipulations outlined in the CLC Policies and the Simulated Learning Contract and Confidentiality Agreement as a component of successful progression in my educational program. I have continuous access to the policies and procedures with the option to download for saving/printing if desired on the CLC Intranet.

I have reviewed and had the opportunity to discuss the contents of the UNCP McKenzie-Elliott School of Nursing Clinical Learning Center Policy and Procedures Manual with the Clinical Learning Center (CLC) faculty/staff. I, as a user of the CLC, agree to adhere to the policies and guidelines set forth. CLC policies and procedures are subject to change, and it is my responsibility to keep abreast of these changes.

Simulation Learning Contract and Confidentiality Agreement
Student Contract
Access to Policy and Procedure Manual
CLC audio-visual recording policy
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