Facilities Planning & Construction Policy FP 05 94 Revised July 2, 2003
1. Responsibility: The University Space Committee recommends reallocations of space between University divisions to the Chancellor. Final approval for reallocations and assignments will be provide by the Chancellor.
2. Committee Membership – The committee will be comprised of all Vice Chancellors and one representative appointed by the Faculty Senate, Staff Council, and Student Government. The Director of Planning & Construction and the Director of Facilities Operations will be ex officio non-voting members. The members of the committee will elect a chair and a vice chair. The Director of Planning & Construction will serve as the secretary for the committee and will publish and archive minutes.
3. Local Space Committees: Each College/School and Division will establish a Local Space Committee to consider and prioritize local needs and discuss space requests to be made to the University Space Committee.
4. Making A Space Request: All requests for new space, reallocation of space, or change in use of space will be made by completion of a Space Request form and submission to the University Space Committee. Persons making requests may appear before the University Space Committee.
5. Capital Improvements: All capital improvement proposals which create new space or change use of existing space will be reviewed by the University Space Committee prior to consideration by the Chancellor.
6. Sponsored/Grant Programs: All proposals for external funding must resolve space needs prior to the implementation of an award.
7. Assessing Space Requests: The process for reviewing space requests at the local and university levels will be guided by:
7.1. Space should support the overall educational mission of the university and unit. 7.2. UNC-GA space standards will be used as the benchmark for assessing type and quantity of space allocated.
8. Preferred Space Priorities: The following priorities will guide space decisions:
8.1. Availability of safe and accessible teaching space to meet course offerings and curricular needs will be highest priority. 8.2. Co-location of programmatically related activities should have a higher priority than co-location of non-programmatically related activities. 8.3. A lower priority will be given to units and programs that are unfunded vs. those that are funded. 8.4. Each full-time faculty member should have a private office. 8.5. Privacy is more important than size of office space. 8.6. A department head should have proximity to supervised staff. 8.7. Emeriti faculty will be provided office space on the basis of availability.
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