Post Award Team Responsibilities

Controller's Office Policy CO 03 15

A. Policy Statement

UNC-Pembroke conducts award financial and program management in accordance with the Uniform Guidance, which governs the requirements of post-award administration of grants and agreements at universities. The Post Award unit located in the Controller’s Office of Lumbee Hall is the designated University unit responsible for the administration of contracts, grants and cooperative agreements once a sponsored award has been accepted by the funding agency and the university.

The Post Award Team acts as a liaison among University business offices, sponsoring agencies, PIs and project directors to ensure that sponsored research or training is properly authorized and conducted in conformity with administrative and fiscal requirements.  Post Award Team is made up of the following components:

Post Award – Each awarded project is assigned to a Post Award Officer for the lifetime of that project, from the time it becomes an award to close-out.  The Post Award Officer provides oversight for issues that may arise during the life of the project and serves as a liaison with the sponsor.  The Post Award team facilitates a range of research administration needs ranging from contract negotiation to issuing subcontracts or implementing certain budget revisions. Also, responsible for pre-audit reviewing and approving selected transactions prior to award spending.

Data Management – Establishes an account for the award in Banner by assigning a unique account identifier.

B. Post-Award Services

  • Review of award guidelines
  • Assistance with initial award / account setup
  • Transfer of existing funding / relinquishing statements
  • Expenditure auditing, compliance auditing (Uniform Guidance)
  • Audit of PI monthly reconciliation
  • Quarterly PI meetings to review financial status, funding, submissions compliance.

C. Reason for Policy

Post Award unit delineates specific tasks regarding award establishment and financial administration to maintain accurate, current award records and other requirements of sponsored program management, as mandated by federal, state and University regulations.