Licensing & Trademark

UNC Pembroke has partnered with Affinity Licensing to license the university’s marks (logos and seal) to assure quality and to control usage of those marks. Trademark licensing creates cooperative working relationships between UNCP, the manufacturers of approved and authorized products and the retail community. It ensures that all merchandise bearing the university’s marks promote and protect the image of the university while fulfilling the needs of consumers.

University Communications and Marketing manages the retail and trademark licensing programs. If you are a vendor interested in retailing merchandise with official UNCP logos, the first step is to become a licensed vendor through our program's manager.

Any items ordered by campus departments that incorporate UNCP trademarks (excluding printed material) must use a licensed vendor. 

Get Licensed

Any person, business, or organization with an interest in producing items bearing the trademarks of the university need to first obtain a license through Affinity Licensing. To apply for a license here:

As always, state purchasing policies must be followed.