Korrinne Bethel
Business Administration – Management and Minor in Gender Studies
Korrinne Bethel is originally from Roanoke, Virginia and graduated in the spring of 2019 with a degree in business administration with a concentration in management. She was very active during her time at UNCP and served as a Member-At-Large, Treasurer, and Vice Chair for the Student Honors Council. She also served as President of Alpha Chi Honors Society, was a member of Enactus, tutored on campus, and volunteered for three years within hospice care for Health Keepers in Pembroke. On top of her student involvement, Korrinne completed multiple research projects, her favorite being her senior honors project. Because of her hard work, she received several scholarships throughout the years, two being the School of Business Golf Challenge Scholarship 2017-2018, and the Independent Insurance Agents of North Carolina, Inc Endowed Scholarship in Business. Korrinne said, “I am grateful to have had so many supportive people that helped me through my college journey, such as Dr. Milewicz, Dr. Decker, and Gordon.” She had friends in the honors college that were so great and always helped her when she was lost.
For her senior project, Korrinne incorporated both her interests in management and gender studies. After taking a human resources class, she realized how many of her peers did not know what types of issues concerning gender can occur within the workplace. For her project, she interviewed students at UNCP, gathering information on if they knew how gender affects business and what important things employers are supposed to do for their employees. Many students did not know what types of questions they should not be asked by employers, how they should be protected, and how much they could be taken advantage of.
After graduation Korrinne started working. She advises honors students to take advantage of everything and said, “I came here with the idea that every opportunity that presents itself to me, I was going to take it, and I did.” Because of this open mindset, Korrinne was involved in multiple student organizations, clubs, and in the local community. She was nervous but still put herself out there, which benefited her experience at UNCP. Her greatest memory was the day she moved into Village Apartments with her friends. Korrinne said, “I moved to UNCP freshman year not knowing anyone and having no friends, so I was freaked out.” Korrinne quickly made friends in the honors college and was excited when she moved into an apartment with them.
Senior Project
Mentor: Brooke Kelly
What Do Students Know about the Effect of Gender on Work?