Hannah Anderson
English, Minor in Creative Writing
Hannah Anderson, originally from Tar Heel, North Carolina, graduated in the fall of 2016 with a BA in English and a minor in creative writing. Hannah was very involved during her time here at UNCP and had many great accomplishments, some of which include founding the Write Club, serving as 2016 President of the Write Club, earning the Chancellors Distinguished Scholarship, being involved in PURC, working as a Hawk Assistant and tutor, and presenting her work at multiple conferences. Hannah worked hard to be an honors student but she explained that what the honors college gave in return for her work was even greater. She stated that, “every honors class I’ve been in has gone above and beyond the course requirements to immerse students in the subject matter.” She said that everyone is friendly and helpful and that they all take time to ensure that each student has a great experience.
Hannah’s senior project focused on mutations in nuclear fiction from the 1950s to the 21st Century. With this project, she examined how nuclear fiction influenced popular culture during the 1950-1970s, the height of U.S.-Soviet tensions during the Cold War and the peak of what will be hereafter referred to as the Atomic Age. Nuclear fiction is loosely defined as fiction centered on nuclear war, nuclear apocalypse, or other nuclear-related events. Hannah analyzed popular culture sentiments during the Atomic Age, extracted the themes from four prominent fiction novels written between 1950 and 1970, and determined the influence nuclear fiction had on everyday American life. She then compared the themes unpacked from Atomic Age nuclear fiction to those found in nuclear fiction during the 2000s and 2010s through the new medium of video games. Hannah said that comparing nuclear fiction from the Atomic Age to examples of nuclear fiction in the 21st Century will further an understanding of the ways in which current popular culture has been influenced by the depiction of nuclear warfare or nuclear apocalypse in various media. The link between past and present American societies is in part based in each period’s cultural anxieties, as explored through comparing and contrasting themes in the art and writing produced within those eras.
After graduation Hannah applied to several Masters of Fine Arts (MFA) in Creative Writing degree programs, among them being Vanderbilt, NC State, and UNCW. She will be concentrating in fiction when she begins her education in August 2017. Hannah advises honors students to do their honors work, saying, “It’s an incredibly fulfilling program, and even though it may seem like a lot of work, it really does help students learn about the courses they take and the subjects they’re interested in with a more in-depth focus.” Hannah said that the honors faculty is always willing to go the extra mile to help students achieve their goals and serve as excellent mentors. Her greatest moment was when the Write Club was first officially founded as a student organization after a year and a half. One of her greatest memories was working in the Writing Center. She said it was amazing to have the opportunity to assist so many students in so many different disciplines.
Senior Project
Thesis: Mutations in Nuclear Fiction: Atomic Age to the 21st Century
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Scott Hicks