UNCP students, staff complete Community Emergency Response Team training

Top (left to right): Zachary Young, Aniya King, Miranda Jones, Jorden Revels, Diana Dominguez, LaRuth Anderson, Christie Poteet (CCE director), Natural Love (CCE assistant director), Phylencia Latney, Brad Lawson (instructor). Bottom (left to right): Alexis Gray, Bailey Lowry, Nicole Tate, Deborah Gunsallus, Linda Oxendine

A group of staff and student volunteers with UNC Pembroke's Community and Civic Engagement recently participated in a Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) training in collaboration with Robeson County administration.

The North Carolina CERT program educates volunteers about disaster preparedness and trains them in basic disaster response. Volunteers learned skills related to fire safety, search and rescue, team organization, volunteer mobilization, and disaster medical operations.

“The Community Emergency Response Team is an amazing opportunity to give back to the community. The training lasts a lifetime and can be used in multiple locations around the United States,” explained UNCP student Deborah Gunsallus.

This nationwide program focused on training volunteers to assist professional responders during disaster situations. In case of a disaster or emergency in the community, CERT volunteers can be deployed to assist.

In June 2020, UNCP will host another CERT training for students, faculty and staff interested in serving on the UNCP CERT Team. In addition, a train-the-trainer program will be offered during the same week to campus leaders who can train other volunteers in the future.  

“After participating in the CERT Training, I feel more inclined and prepared to help others if another disaster occurs. I gained vital disaster response and volunteer mobilization skills throughout this training,” stated assistant director of Community Engagement Natural Love.