UNCP to Compete in NASA Swarmathon

UNCP to Compete in NASA Swarmathon

A UNCP team has been selected to compete in the 2018 NASA Swarmathon Physical Competition.  The event is a challenge to develop cooperative robotics to revolutionize space exploration. This technology promises to more effectively and efficiently locate and collect resources on the Moon or Mars.  Students will be challenged to develop search algorithms for robotic swarms. Pictured is the UNCP 2017 team, that participated in April 2017 Swarmathon. The team is coached by Dr. Mohanarajah, associate professor the the Mathematics and Computer Sciences department. 

The Third Annual Swarmathon will occur April 17-18, 2018 at the NASA Kennedy Space Center. 

More information can be found at : http://nasaswarmathon.com/