Recent ETFL Presentations and Publications


ETFL faculty keep busy outside of the classroom. Below is a brief round-up of recent research presentations and publications in 2017-18.


Student Presentations and Publications

Gordon Byrd (recent graduate of the M.A. program): “The Genre of Scams,” in Xchanges.

Morgan Feltz (undergraduate English major): Sigma Tau Delta National Convention: “4 Poems.”

Crystal Hester (English M.A.): “The Modern Epic: Comics and Working-Class Literature.”



Hannah Baggott Anderson and Dr. Autumn Lauzon: South Atlantic Modern Languages Association: Panel: “Undercover Pedagogy: Using The New Jim Crow to Teach Rhetoric.” 

Dr. Michael Berntsen: Blackboard Conference; Conference on Comparative Literature

Dr. Monika Brown: British Women Writers: "Two Generations of Reviewers of George Eliot's Middlemarch."

Dr. Michele Fazio, "We Still Remember," an event commemorating the lives of Sacco and Vanzetti, sponsored by the Sacco and Vanzetti Commemoration Society and the Dante Alighieri Society of Cambridge: "Mining the Archives: Memory and Materiality in the Lives of Sacco and Vanzetti," (co-presenters included Governor Michael Dukakis, Distinguished Professor of Political Science at Northeastern University)

Dr. Roger Ladd. 53rd International Congress on Medieval Studies: “‘How the mirour fell’ – Darkening Virgil’s Mirror with Greed”; 52nd International Congress on Medieval Studies: “The Kinde Creatures: Fair Trade in the Tale of Adrian and Bardus”;  IV International Congress of the John Gower Society: “Stealing Love: Greedy Desire in Book V of the Confessio Amantis.”

Dr. Autumn Lauzon: American Studies Association Presentation. 

Dr. Diana Lee:  National Association of Hispanic and Latino Studies: “Gender Subjectivities in La muerte me da by Cristina Rivera Garza.”

Prof Walt Lewellan: Norman Mailer Conference: “Hollywood and The Armies of the Night.

Dr. Abigail Mann: MMLA: “Arty Women: Citizen Artists at the Fin-de-Siècle; Invited Lecturer, University of Indianapolis Communiversity: “I Read a Monster: The Literacies of Frankenstein.” Interdisciplinary Nineteenth Century Studies: “Vegetable Empires”: Botanical Excess and Civic Models in Charlotte Perkins Gilman and Olive Schreiner”; North American Victorian Studies Association: “Looking Inward and Downward: Refusing Narrative in Our Mutual Friend.”

Dr. Cyndi Miecznikowski: Conference on Community Writings: "Place-Based Literacy Education in Rural Communities: Re-Envisioning and Re-Imagining Connections to Communities of Practice."

Prof. Sara Oswald: South Atlantic Modern Languages Association Conference: paper on Photographic Essays

Dr. Enrique Porrua:  National Association of Hispanic and Latino Studies: “From the ‘X’ Known to the ‘N’ Unknown: Adding to the Concept of Frontier.” 7th Conference on Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language: Vive tu español: “What we should do, what we can do, what we do: Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language.” 11th Conference on Innovation on Foreign Language Learning: “The Adaptive Approach: Best Practices on Teaching L2s at Elementary levels in American Institutions of Higher Education.”

Dr. Melissa Schaub:  Victorians Institute: "History and the Individual in Tess of the D'Urbervilles." British Women Writers Conference: “Mapping British Women in the Classroom: Anthologies and the Direction of Identity.”

Dr. Robin Snead: Conference on College Composition and Communication: “Cueing, Priming, Guiding Transfer: Seeking Common Ground Across the Curriculum.”

Dr. Charles Tita: South Central Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies: “Laurence Sterne’s Tristram Shandy: Yorick as ‘signifying’ Messenger.” 78th Annual College Language Association Conference (CLA):  “Digital Humanities: Creating a Successful Online Writing Course,” organizer and chair, and “Assuring Student Preparedness in an Online Writing Course.”

Dr. Richard Vela: Medieval-Renaissance Conference: “Shakespeare, Politics, and Performance: Julius Ceaser.”; Popular Culture Conference of the American South: “Intergenerational Obligations: Children and Conscience in Clint Eastwood’s Films.”; Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association: “Is Shakespeare our (political) Contemporary?: Appropriation from Queen Elizabeth to President Trump.”


Publications and Grants

Prof. Hannah Baggott Anderson. “Sonnet for a Lesion on the Fusiform Gyrus.” Vistiant.; “Looking for Nephilim on I-90” OSU Poetry Chapbook.

Dr. Michael Berntsen. “Using Blues Music to Teach Shakespeare.” Teaching Shakespeare Magazine.

Dr. Danielle Chilcote. “Curious Students in the Composition Classroom: the Impact of Normalcy Identity.” Ideology and Identity in Young Adult Literature: Connections to the Composition Classroom.

Dr. Peter Grimes: "Bad Guys, Good Guys" Alaska Quarterly Review "Theft" Nashville Review "The Africans" Fiction International. Short Story “Menu” American Short Fiction

Dr. Roger Ladd. “Death is Money: Buying Trouble with the Pardoner.” In Money, Commerce, and Economics in Late Medieval English Literature. “Gower, Business, and the Economy.” In Routledge Research Companion to John Gower.

Dr. Abigail Mann. “Ann Radcliffe’s The Castles of Athlin and Dunbayne: Gothic Origins and Acts of Union.” Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History; “Preface: INCS 2016: Odd Bodies.” Nineteenth-Century Contexts.

Dr. Enrique Porrua: UNCP Summer Research Grant. “Resolving the editorial abnormalities in Lorenzo Sanfeliú’s 1943 edition of Lieutenant Antonio de Tova on the Malaspina Expedition.”