Aspen Andersson, who graduated this spring from UNC Pembroke, has been selected as a Presidential Scholar for the UNC System for the 2024-25 academic year.
The Presidential Scholar program is a one-year fellowship that allows graduates of UNC System institutions to serve in various professional functions in the UNC System Office. The scholars interact with the president, senior leadership team and University of North Carolina Board of Governors. They also gain experience in education, public policy, research and strategic initiatives that affect higher education.
“I am absolutely thrilled,” Andersson said. “I know that I want to go to law school. Attending the University of Virginia School of Law Roadmap Scholars program, I’ve fallen in love with education, law and policy. So, the opportunity to work and see higher education behind the scenes through the UNC System Office is invaluable.”
Andersson was one of three recent graduates from UNC System institutions to be selected. She joins Samuel Robinson, a UNC-Chapel Hill graduate, and Raven Sizemore, who graduated from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro.
Andersson, a native of Clayton, N.C., graduated summa cum laude, earning a bachelor’s degree in political science with a pre-law concentration and double minors in Spanish and English. She was involved in the Honors College Student Council, the Chancellor’s Ambassador program, the 1887 Society, Model United Nations, Alpha Chi National Honors Society, Omicron Delta Kappa National Leadership Honors Society and Alpha Pi Omega Sorority, Inc.
Andersson also worked as a teacher’s assistant, resident advisor and service-learning intern before serving as the president of the Student Government Association and ex-officio member of the UNCP Board of Trustees for the 2023-24 academic year. As president, Andersson advocated for affordability, inclusivity, student safety and access to mental health resources while also serving as the chair of the Association of Student Governments Council of Student Body Presidents.
Previous UNCP graduates who served as Presidential Scholars include Taliyah Daniels, '23, Randi Dagenhart, '20, and Dajer Fernandez, '18.
Andersson considers representing UNCP as a Presidential Scholar an honor and provides her with a platform to highlight the quality of alumni that the university produces. Additionally, her UNCP experience prepared her for this role, allowing her to build her resumé with a wide array of professional and educational experiences.
"These experiences, including research, jobs and volunteer opportunities, taught me valuable lessons and transferable skills. I look forward to proudly representing my alma mater in this new role,” Andersson said.
Upon completing the fellowship, Andersson plans to attend law school and pursue a career in education law and policy.