About Sigma Tau Delta
Sigma Tau Delta provides opportunities for those interested in English language and literature to participate in and present professional work at conferences and conventions.
The Sigma Xi chapter of Sigma Tau Delta invites students majoring or minoring in English to join our local chapter. Membership is available to students who
- have a B average in English
- rank in the highest thirty-five percent of their class
- have completed at least three semesters of college work and two English courses beyond freshman composition.
One does not need to be an English major or minor.
Members receive the newsletter while they remain active in their local chapters. They also receive and have the opportunity to contribute to the award-winning literary and critical publications, The Sigma Tau Delta Review and The Rectangle, and they are eligible to compete for several Sigma Tau Delta scholarships and awards. There are also internship and graduate assistantship opportunities available to members.
Visit our local chapter's instagram page or our national chapter.
To join Sigma Tau Delta, contact Dr. Laura Hakala.

Laura Hakala
Associate Professor, Interim Writing Center Director, and Sigma Tau Delta Sponsor