Sexual Health

Sexual Health is very important for college students. There many things to consider like birth control, preventing STI’s, and getting yourself tested for STI’s. As a college student you may not be ready to have a child and you do not want to get a sexually transmitted infection. So have a plan as to how you want to approach your sexual health.



It's important to find out what method of contraception works for your goals and your body. Learn about the facts of each and speak to a member of our staff about where to start or how to change. 

Get Yourself Tested Poster

Sexually Transmitted Infections

The most common STI symptom is no symptom. This means, the only way to know for sure is getting tested. Call our office to learn more about getting yourself tested on campus. 

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A person's sexuality encompasses much more than what you "do", it's "who you are". Learn about the Circles of Sexuality to connect the dots between your sexual health and other areas of your sexuality.