Brave Foundations About Us


Who We Are

Brave Foundations is a volunteer-based organization that sponsors and supports the development and enhancement of education, self-sufficiency, and well-being within our region. Literacy, though, can also refer to financial literacy, information literacy, civic literacy, digital and media literacy, and many more. This focus on supporting a multitude of literacies allows Brave Foundations to create an environment for critical thinking — for our volunteers and those involved in our programming. 

We advocate the idea of literacy as a process of learning, as being personal, caring, reciprocal, community-based, and ongoing. We accomplish this through specific programs as listed below:

Youth Literacy Program

Brave Foundations is dedicated to meeting needs in local elementary schools and after-school programs, offering mentors and volunteers to support students in their setting. These partnerships allow UNCP students to develop skills, build relationships, and develop a civic mindset through service. Student Service Leaders, mentors, and volunteers all work continuously to create positive change in our youth-aged population.

Professional Development & Other Programming

Brave Foundations can offer support in professional development for UNCP Faculty and local teachers in their efforts to creatively engage with literacy initiatives. We also seek to create programs based on the needs in the community and on campus. 


Madison Schwenneker | AmeriCorps VISTA: Afterschool Corps | | 910.521.6163