Building Evacuations and Fire Drills

Building Evacuation Plan

The University of North Carolina at Pembroke building evacuation plan facilitates actions during building workplace emergencies.  The following information provides a standardized process for evacuating a building.  Students, faculty, and staff are required to review this information initially and encouraged annually. Students, faculty, and staff are also encouraged to locate fire alarm pull stations, fire extinguishers and the nearest exit route.

  1.  If you smell smoke or other unusual odors suggesting a possible fire or conditions favorable for fire, immediately call 911 and Campus Police at 910.521.6235.
  2.  Upon discovering a fire, immediately pull building fire alarm pull station to sound the alarm.
  3.  Upon activation of building fire alarm, building occupants should evacuate using the nearest safe exit route.  DO NOT USE ELEVATOR.
  4. Mobility impaired individuals on upper floors should proceed to the nearest “fire-safe” stairwell for assistance by emergency response personnel. Contact Campus Police 910.521.6235 and provide the location for rescue assistance.
  5. Building occupants should evacuate to the designated assembly location at least 150 feet from the building and report your location to your supervisor.
  6. Each building evacuee shall not re-enter the building until authorized personnel indicates it is safe to re-enter.
  7. Each building designated assembly location can be reviewed by clicking the building evacuation map below.

More Information:  UNCP Evacuation Procedures for People with Disabilities

Emergency preparedness

Occupants should be prepared for a number of anticipated building emergencies some of which will require immediate or delayed evacuation. 

Assembly points

A number of outdoor assembly points have been identified for the campus. A specific assembly point should be designated for your building as indicated on the evacuation route maps.

911 Building Addresses and Evacuation Maps