Spring 2006

HON 275 The Individual and Society

MWF 1:30-2:20

Dr. Mario Paparozzi

The course will examine people as they relate to, shape, and are shaped by society. A major purpose of the course is to help students understand the relationships between individuals and the larger societal structures to which they belong. These structures may be social subgroups such as family or race, or they may be larger institutions such as the governments, religions, etc. Students will be introduced to a variety of theoretical approaches to these relationships and explore the practical implications of each approach. A major goal of the course is to move students from thinking about social relationships using only their “common sense," or personal anecdotes to a more systematic and critical understanding of the relationship between individuals and the societies in which they live.

HON 151 Contemporary Issues in Science and Technology

TR 9:30-10:45

Dr. Len Holmes

Contemporary Issues in Biotechnology

Biotechnology has become a major sector in the economy of North Carolina.With over two hundred biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies, North Carolina stands third in the productivity of biotechnology products, services and research in the United States, behind New England and Southern California. The industry is growing at the rate of 15% per year. North Carolina is also evaluating the world biotechnology industry in planning a comprehensive strategy for building its economy statewide. This course will assess the present technologies in life sciences in the areas of human health, environment, energy and manufacturing. The course will also look at biotechnologies that are now just beginning to show promise. Students will learn about nanotechnology, lying at the interface of information technology, genomic technology and molecular engineering.

ART 205 Honors Art Appreciation

MF 10:00-11:15

Dr. Tulla Lightfoot

The Honors Art Appreciation course is designed to give students an understanding of what art is, the means by which it is made, and the cultural and historic context in which it was produced. Students are asked to learn and practice techniques as well as learn theory. Non-threatening art assignments done in class or assigned as homework are geared to give students the idea of what an artist actually goes through to complete a work of art. In addition the honors class takes a field trip to a major museum to view original art.

BIO 100 Honors Principles of Biology

MWF 11:30-12:20

Dr. Bonnie Kelley

The Honors Principles of Biology course will cover all the concepts of the regular course, cell structure, physiology, and reproduction, genetics, ecology, and evolution. This course counts as a Science General Education course. The class will address the above concepts in more detail and look at more current research supporting each. Case studies will be utilized to stress critical thinking and creativity, and writing assignments and computer- based activities will enhance communication and IT skills.

ENG 106 Honors Composition II

TR 11:00-12:15

Dr. Kim Gunter

Did you know that the rainwater that is yet to fall from the sky has alreadybeen sold? Did you know that parts of the human genome are patented? Didyou know that a portion of the proceeds from Kathy Lee Gifford's Wal-Martclothing line went to children's charities, even though Third World childrenwere the very ones making that clothing? This section of English 106 will focus on The Corporation and its global effects. Students, working in groups, will choose their specific semester focus which might include everything from environmental decay to human rights violations. Students' own texts will be the focus of the course, supplemented by outside readings, documentaries, and the like.

ENG 106 Honors Composition II

TR 11:00-12:15

Dr. Anita Guynn

"Feed Your Head"

This section will examine the science and politics of the foods we eat -- its production, transport, consumption. Students' research will furnish much of the reading for the course. Writing in a variety of forms, students will choose their own areas of focus, explore both pragmatic and ethical food questions, and develop position statements.

PHI 100 Honors Introduction to Philosophy

TR 12:30-1:45

Dr. Jeff Geller

Philosophy 100: The Honors Course in philosophy for the spring semester will cover several philosophers representing a range of perspectives. Though the final syllabus has not been determined, we will begin with Kant and then move to Hegel. At some point in the semester, we will have a guest lecture on Antonio Gramsci, if it that can be arranged. I want to include at least two female philosophers, probably Luce Irigaray and Judith Butler. As an introduction to the philosophy of religion we will cover Martin Buber and, perhaps, an offbeat philosopher named Teilhard de Chardin. As an introduction to analytic philosophy we will cover Bertrand Russell and Alfred Tarski. I am considering including at least one post-colonial philosopher, Franz Fanon. Readings will generally be reasonably short, and students will be asked to do some internet research of their own each week to supplement the assigned reading.