Campus Computing Initiative FAQs


What options are available for my refresh?

In collaboration with campus leadership, DoIT has defined standards for the CCI. Each is defined based on business need.

  • The standard computer package for EHRA employees is a Windows laptop, docking station, keyboard, mouse and 1 monitor. EHRA teaching employees have the option to request their preference from the available models. Monitors will be refreshed only as necessary. 
  • The standard computer package for SHRA employees is a Windows desktop, keyboard, mouse and 1 monitor. Monitors will be refreshed only as necessary.
  • Departments choosing non-standard options may be responsible for the cost of peripherals including adapters, docking stations and monitors.

Why does DoIT provide computer standards for University computer purchases? 

Deploying selected computer models provides a standardized computer environment to control overall support and equipment purchase costs. The standards will be refreshed annually and are posted on the Computer Purchasing Recommendations web page.

When will I receive a new computer? 

Employee primary computers will be on a standard 4 year replacement cycle. Delivery dates will vary. Eligible employees will be notified.

Why must I refresh my computer if I don’t want to? 

Keeping your computer current and under warranty is the best way to ensure optimal performance and business continuity.

What defines the timeline and associated deadlines for the CCI purchases? 

DoIT works with our vendor partners to ensure we have the most appropriate computer models available for our campus. Our timeline is driven, in part, by the vendors’ product release dates.  Deadlines are enforced so that purchases meet funding/fiscal year purchasing deadlines.

How were standard computer models selected? 

Each model was selected based on cost, performance, and industry reputation. Through the combined pricing initiative, DoIT engages with UNC General Administration and other campuses to collectively evaluate and set the end user computer standards that are agreed upon across the UNC system.

Do all faculty and staff get a computer funded centrally when they are due for a computer refresh? 

No. State funds are allocated to support state funded positions. Computers for other positions will be funded from other departmental resources.

How often will my computer be refreshed? 

Our goal is to refresh faculty and staff primary use computers once every 4 years.  A primary computer is the machine that an employee uses to accomplish the responsibilities outlined in their position description.  By definition an employee has only ONE primary device.

May I keep my current computer when I get the new one? 

No. DoIT will surplus or repurpose the computers that are being replaced. 

When will labs and classrooms be upgraded? 

Check the Lab & Classroom Upgrade Schedule.