In Memoriam: Dr Chet Jordan

English, Theatre, and World Languages
Chet Jordan

Dr. Chet Jordan passed away on January 10, 2018 after a brief illness.

Dr. Jordan taught Theatre and Speech at UNCP for 37 years before retiring in May 2017.  He was respected for his dedication and talent in his role of teacher, and his kindness, insight, and fairness in his role of advisor, advocate, and mentor.

In the classroom, Dr. Jordan’s students benefitted not only from his considerable knowledge and experience, but also from his wonderful energy, creativity, and sense of humor. He taught a variety of courses and approached each of them with seemingly boundless enthusiasm. This was the case whether he was teaching Interpersonal Communication, Discussion and Debate, Theatre History, or anything else. In addition to teaching, Dr. Jordan directed a mainstage theatre production each year for over thirty years. In his early career he was involved in the production of Strike at the Wind, and he was the first theatre director at UNCP to establish a relationship with the Roanoke Island Festival Park.

Beyond teaching and directing theatrical productions benefitting the university and the community, Chet served as director of UNCP’s Theatre Program from its beginnings, and heguided the program administratively as it grew through the years and collaborated with the Musical Theatre Program. During his time at UNCP, Dr. Jordan was chair of the Faculty Senate in addition to serving on other Senate subcommittees.

Finally, Dr. Jordan performed significant work in the community by serving on the Board of Directors of the Carolina Civic Center. For many years he also served as a member of the Advisory Board of the Givens Performing Arts Center.