
BUS 1001 Awareness I (White Belt)

Introduction to the Passport Program

Study abroad information session

Student involvement and leadership session

BUS 1002 Awareness II (Yellow Belt)

Engagement with School of Business faculty and/or alumni

Student internship information session

BUS 1003 Fundamentals I (Orange Belt)

Career Center resume workshop

Professional and career development institute

BUS 1004 Fundamentals II (Green Belt)

Verbal presentation that requires professional attire (2)

University sponsored or approved formal dinner (2)

Professional networking event (3)

School of Business approved seminar, speaker, or presentation (3)

BUS 1005 Involvement (Purple Belt)

Each student must participate in one of the following approved long-term engagement activities:

A student organization

A study abroad experience

A civic or community activity

An internship

BUS 1006 Transition (Black Belt)

Attend a Career Expo (or fair)

Perform satisfactorily in a Career Center Mock interview

Complete the senior exit interview